Updates: Ceremony #154 (Nov 16, 2024)

This frame will contain other update information that pertains to the next ceremony, to be held November 16, 2024, starting promptly at 10:30 AM.  Ring package pickup will be available starting approximately one hour prior (9:30 AM).

The Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer will be held at TCU place in Saskatoon, SK starting promptly at 10:30 AM.  Remember: candidates must attend the complete ceremony to receive a ring and must be present in the room at the start of the ceremony – no exceptions.  Don’t be late!

Registration will open on October 15 2024.

For any inquires contact the Ceremonies Coordinator.

Health and Safety Protocols

Only an “in person” ceremony is being held. Any updates or requirements for health-related protocols will be posted here when available.  As a minimum, you are welcome to wear a mask if you so choose.

General Information for Candidates

Note:Receiving and wearing an iron ring is a long-standing Canadian tradition.  This is not directly an indication of your graduation, or your professional status. Iron rings are bestowed by Camps (not the university or the professional associations), at a special Ceremony.  The qualification to participate in an Iron Ring Ceremony and receive a ring is, in part, that you have graduated (or are about to graduate) from an accredited engineering program in Canada, or equivalent. Only undergraduate degrees are accredited and accepted as academic qualification.  If your undergraduate degree is not from an accredited program in Canada, we defer to the professional associations to determine equivalence.  In Saskatchewan, we will consider a candidate qualified, academically, if their academic qualifications have been vetted and accepted for professional membership in APEGS (The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan) as an Engineer in Training or a Professional Engineer.  Postgraduate degrees are not, in themselves, sufficient qualification to attend a Ceremony.

The Ceremony and the Obligation:

The purpose of this section is to enlighten potential candidates about the ceremony, and the purpose of the iron ring prior to participation in the ceremony.  During the dismissal, the Senior Supervising Engineer (S.S.E.) of the Camp will remind you that “…while these … are no mystery, they are neither for the Public nor the Press.”  I ask that you treat the information provided here in confidence for the purpose for which it is intended: to allow you to make an informed decision beforehand concerning your participation in the ceremony and your reciting of the “obligation”.

To receive an iron ring, you must participate in a ceremony conducted by one of the Camps in Canada (no rings are given in absentia).  Participation is strictly voluntary; it is not a requirement of your educational institution nor the Provincial professional licensing authority, nor will it affect your qualifications or your ability to practice.  The following extracts from the Camp Procedures explain the intent:

“The Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer has been instituted with the simple end of directing the young engineer towards a consciousness of this profession and its significance, and indicating to older engineers their responsibilities in receiving, welcoming and supporting the younger engineers in their beginnings.” (Manual of Camp Practice, V7.1, Jul 2022, p3-7)

“Their participation may increase their own moral fortitude and help to create a bond between them and the many other engineers with whom they may work during their professional careers. (Manual of Camp Practice, V7.1, Jul 2022, p3-7)

The ceremony itself, in the 1920’s, used the language and many Judeo‑Christian references common in Canadian culture at the time.  It is not intended as a religious, ceremony; the language is retained merely to respect the tradition and origins of the ceremony and the spirit in which it was conceived.

The ceremony in which you would receive an iron ring involves the recitation of an obligation, somewhat akin to an oath, which you must take before receiving an iron ring.  The wording of the obligation retains the original language, but should be viewed as it was originally intended, as explained above. The intent of the obligation carries no religious connotations, only that you agree to uphold the highest standard of professional conduct to the best of your ability.  If you accept the intent and spirit of this obligation and the spirit in which it is taken, you are welcome to attend, participate, and receive an iron ring as a reminder of your obligation.  If you are not comfortable with any part, you should feel no pressure to participate and are free to decline or to reflect on it and attend another ceremony at some time in the future.  If you would like to review the specific wording of the Obligation before making your decision, please contact the Camp Secretary (see the Contact page).

Ceremony Logistics:

Remember the time: Ceremony starts promptly at the designated time (see notes above); arrive well beforehand with enough time to pick up your ring and review any last minute instructions. It is a requirement of the Ritual that you participate in the COMPLETE Ceremony, and candidates will not be allowed to enter once the Ceremony starts or leave before it is completed. The Ceremony will conclude by approximately noon. Refreshments and social time may follow (depending on availability and health protocols), but will end by approximately 1:00 PM.

Reminder: Dress code for the Ceremony is “business formal or business professional”. Also, this is an “open” ceremony, which means candidates*, invited guests* (e.g. candidate’s relatives) and previously obligated engineers (i.e. those who are making a special presentation and others who have received a ring) are allowed to be present at the ceremony. (* require pre-registration.)

When you arrive at the venue, please pick up your envelope with your ring and any final instructions from the tables set up outside the Ceremony room. Watch for alphabetical designations setup above the tables to facilitate this process. If you still need to be sized or to pay the fee, please watch for signage, and inform the volunteers at the tables. (Once you have been sized, place the ring in the envelope until the point in the Ceremony when you are instructed to remove it for presentation.)

Try your ring for fit, then REMOVE IT, AND RETURN IT TO THE ENVELOPE UNTIL THE POINT IN THE CEREMONY WHEN IT IS TO BE PRESENTED. Do not be too hasty to exchange your ring for a different size. The excitement of the day and the formal attire may cause your ring to feel a bit tight at first. If it is still not fitting reasonably after the Ceremony, the camp assistant(s) will be pleased to help you exchange your ring if necessary. Please make sure we record your new ring size for our records.). Should you need to exchange your ring after that, contact the Camp Secretary. Remember: your finger changes size during the day and depending on the environment, and it may take a few days experience to determine your “average” finger size. If your ring fits at all, please take some time to allow yourself to determine a comfortable fit over the longer term.

After the Ceremony: Sign the Official Ceremony Register located on tables in the Ceremony room. This is important! Don’t forget to do this.

Pick up your Certificate after the Ceremony and before you leave (from the same tables where you picked up you envelopes, just outside the ceremony room).

Subject to availability, refreshments and sweets will be served immediately following the Ceremony. You can socialize with fellow candidates, Wardens and guests.

Information for invited guests

For the ceremony, guests should arrive and be seated at least fifteen minutes before the start of the ceremony.  The hall is open seating. Latecomers will not be admitted to the ceremony once the doors close. Please note that anyone leaving the ceremony hall after the doors close will not be readmitted to the hall.

Any Engineers that have previously participated in an Iron Ring ceremony and are wearing their Iron Ring may also attend the ceremony.

If planning to bring a child as a guest, then an adult must accompany the child, and is responsible to ensure that the child is able to sit quietly for the duration of the event. It is recommended that children under six not attend the ceremony. 

No photographs or recording devices of any kind are allowed to be used during the ceremony. There will be an opportunity for photos at the conclusion of the ceremony. During the ceremony, guests are asked to refrain from clapping or cheering mid-ceremony to ensure that all participants can fully participate in the obligation without disruption.

The iron ring ceremony is not secret, but it is a personal and private occasion. We ask that you treat the contents of the ceremony accordingly. 

Online Registration and Payment:

Registration (for candidates) usually opens about one month before the ceremony.  Note: previously obligated guests do not need to pre-register, but it is appreciated so we know attendance numbers.  Please check in when you arrive.  When registration is open, the button below this frame will take you to the registration form.  Click to open the registration form.  You should be able to enter candidate, special presenter and guest information and pay the appropriate fees (with credit card) all in the same session.  Your Credit card statement will show a transaction from CAMP4*IRON RING for the payment.  If you are unable to pay using a credit card, please contact us for other options.  (Note: if you do not receive a confirmation email shortly after submitting your registration, please check i) your spam/junk folders, or ii) that your are checking the same email address you provided on the form.  These are almost always the reasons.  If it still can’t be found, contact us.)

Payment for (candidates only):

Previously obligated guests may attend for free without registering.